Rizwan Ahmad Chaudhary

Additional Director Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Rizwan Ahmad Chaudhary is a Management Professional, who has 15+ years’ rich experience in public sector in the fields of Policy & Planning, Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) and Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRMs). He has done his MS/M. Phil. Degree in Management Science and Master of Business Administration (MBA). He has also attended LUMS for training on M&E and Project Management. Coupled with this, he has conducted several research studies for National and International organization. He was a key member during formulation and execution of manifold projects of different donor organizations / agencies like USAID, The World Bank, GIZ, TURKAK–Turkey, City & Guilds–UK, Nestle Pakistan Ltd., The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), PUM–The Netherlands, YES Network Pakistan, ILO–Pakistan and NAVTTC etc.

His work experience includes, but not limited to, design, development, and implementation of TVET Curriculum, Marketing & Social Mobilization Campaigns, Capacity building and Training, Conditional / Unconditional Cash Transfer’s Programs for poverty eradication. In addition to that, he has played significant role at different forums and committees such as ERP & BPMR process design, Hiring & Selection of Human Resource, Inquiry, Procurement, and Annual Work plan/Budget.