Review Meeting Chaired by CEO PSPA with Implementation Partners, Operational Review Firm and Internal Audit regarding recent World Bank Field Visit observations

December 7, 2023
A review meeting, chaired by Chief Executive Officer Punjab Social Protection Authority & Project Director Punjab Human Capital Investment Project, Mr. Ali Shehzad, was held with Project Implementation Partners – the Institute of Rural Management, National Rural Support Program, Operational Review Firm, and Internal Audit Firm. A detailed discussion took place on the performance review and future strategy in line with the recent World Bank team field visit. PHCIP team and other officers were present at this occasion.
While discussing the Khud Mukhtar Program, emphasis was placed on the need for greater efficiency and transparency when creating livelihood profiles for individuals eligible to receive productive assets. Local officials at the District level were urged to work with an effective strategy to ensure that the benefits of the Khud Mukhtar program can be extended to as many people as possible.
It was also decided that a review meeting would be held every month; in this regard, instructions were issued to the Operational Review Firm to participate at every stage. After the meeting concluded, the CEO then held an online meeting with the District Focal Persons of all 12 selected districts; he appreciated the efforts of all officials, and urged them to apply their best in further improving the Project performance to help deliver Aaghosh, Khud Mukhtar, and Bunyad program benefits to the maximum number of people.